Tuesday 26 November 2013

I think summer has finally come to an end, not bad though as we are in our final week in November. The nights are drawing in and the temperature has started to drop, daytime has dropped below 20C and night time down to 16C, but still not as cool as back in the UK.

We have had some spectacular storms, thankfully nothing like Rhodes which reported that 3 people had died and 1 was missing plus damage to property and cars was estimated at 5 million Euros.

In between the storms we still have some nice weather. On one such day Harry and I went off for one of our rambles taking my camera with us to take some photos of all the flowers and plants that are still in bloom.



I'm sure you will recognise most of them  but if anyone knows what this is, please let me know. They are sprouting up all over the place - only time will tell.

The locals here on Samos have been very industrious since the tourists have left. The smell of paint and varnish lingers everywhere as houses and hotels get spruced up. Everyone is collecting firewood in preparation for winter and farmers are busy in the fields tending their winter crops (which is the same crops that farmers grow in the summer in the UK).

Following on from our snake picture which amused the grandchildren,  here is this week's offering which was resting outside the apartment.

Bye for now - Harry and Kath xx

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