Monday 30 January 2012

Monsoon Weather

It was a case of retreating into the van and battoning down the hatches when the monsoon weather hit Calpe. It rained more or less non stop for 36 hours in true monsoon fashon. It's times like these that I'm glad we have upgraded from a tent!

But when the rain finaly stopped and the sun came out, it wasn't long before there was a buzz of activity around the site.

Good weather was to follow and Harry and Ray took advantage of this and had a day on the hill. The climb to the top of Cim d'Olta at 587 metres offered stunning views , the odd encounter (apparantly there are 4 of these roaming the hill)

and a close inspection of this little creature. Known as the trap door spider it makes it's home in the rock and spins it's silk, mixes it with mud and makes a trap door to hide in so that it can pounce out on it's prey - hence the name. Once again, Kath muttered something about having made a right decision today by not going and pleased she didn't see any bulls or spiders.

The other thing we have to be careful about at his time of year are the processionary caterpillars found on young pine trees. This picture shows the cocoon and caterpillars. Touching them can cause a reaction and in worse case scenarios, hospitalisation.

Eating out is always very enjoyable and although we have our favourite places, it is always good to try somewhere new. We tend to go for the local fayre but last Friday night we opted for fish and chips at Laura's here in Calpe. Advertised as the best fish and chips in the whole of the Alicante region we had to give it a try.  The best we have tasted in a long, long while - wonder if they do takeaways wrapped in newspaper - oh nostalgia!

We contnue to enjoy our walks and spend time down on the beach, there is always something that needs to be done and our days pass quickly with lazy moments along the way.

Yesterday, Sunday, we went to the nearby town of Benissa where there was a medieval market. Lots to see - lost Harry for a bit then found him amongst the vintage car display. My favourite was this Jaguar which had been lovingly restored, Pauline preferred this Lamborghini. I suggested she should drape herself over the bonnet but we felt the owner might object.

All the stall holders had made a great effort to dress up and young men and women were dressed in traditional Spanish attire.

Check this out for a loaf of bread!

A most enjoyable trip and thank you to Roy and Pauline for taking us there in their car. Mind you, we could have had alternative transport.

So, until next time adios.

Love to all   Kath and Harry xxx

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